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I am taking a blogging break for a little while. I am in the process of getting all of my challenges for 2011 picked out so you'll see a bunch of those posts.

I am up to my eyeballs in books! I have more books that I know what to do with. So it's official...I've put myself on a book buying ban, with the exception of the Nora Roberts book that comes out next Tuesday. My plan is to go through my book collection and weed out the books that I feel I won't get to in a timely manner and try to swap them via bookmooch, paperbackswap.com, goodreads swap or just flat out donate them to goodwill of St. Vincent De Paul. If your on any of the mentioned swap sights find me or e-mail me and I'll get you the information you need to be able to see what I've got available.
For the time being I'm going to be relying heavily on my current collection and my local library to take care of my reading habit. I just recently got a new library card so I can FINALLY use my library again! Yeah me! So far in the 3 days that I've had my new card I've placed 72 hold requests and 35 of them are "IN TRANSIT." I can hardly wait to see what all shows up.
So there you have it. The beginnings of The Great Book Ban. Anyone want to join in?
I tried it and failed! Good Luck :)
I'm on book buying ban this November. Glad to know I'm not alone. Good luck to us!
I'm on a ban again myself. But I stopped putting books on hold at the library until I get the books I have at home read. Good luck with your ban!
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