For Review:
Yup, there's a porn star's book in my TBR mountain......That would be Tera Patrick's Sinner Takes All!
There are still MORE to be photographed and documented....but I'll save those for next week. The books that I have already read and reviewed are as follows:
1. First Daughter
2. Last Snow
3. A Match Made In High School
4. Kissing Frogs in Cyberspace

Geez, that's a ton of books! I've read Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier not too long ago. I REALLY love this author, but in my opinion that book wasn't her best. Her other adult books are amazing, though!
Ooooh I'm so jealous! :-) Wonderful post, just looking at all these awesome books makes me feel warm, and I'm not even the one who has them on the shelf! lol
I read Kristin Gore's Sammy's Hill a few years ago and loved, it was laugh out loud funny, I hope you'll enjoy it! /A sequel was released also (Sammy's House), didn't get around to read that yet though./
I saw some good books in there. I would love to reread many of them!
Wowzers! That is a lot of books!!!! Enjoy and have fun reading! :)
Whoa! What a huge selection! You certainly won't be bored for a long while. I saw The Heretic Queen in there (which I'm dying to read) so I'm sure that one will be great. Enjoy them all!
from Une Parole
OMG! That is a ton of books!
OMG! It's Book Heaven LOL!!! What a fantastic IMM post. You are going to have fun reading this week!
thats a alot of books to read.looks like a big selection
Whoa nelly!
Wow! Looks like you got some great reads in your mailbox.
I enjoyed browsing your stacks - Incarceron is high on my want to read list. You've got a lot of Lyndsay Sands... are you a big fan? I think I've tried one of her books, she kind of has a 'vampire lite' style.
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