The question for this week is: What are you currently reading? Basically, what book is that?
I am currently working on Beautiful Darkness. So far, I like it but I'm not really in LOVE with it...but then again I'm only about 100 pages into a 500 page book. It took me a little bit to get into Beautiful Creatures so I have hope that things will get better!
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Congrats on hitting 400 followers! Just stopping by on the hop. I'm your newest follower. Have a great weekend!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads
Stopping by from FF. Thank you so much for dropping in! I have a copy of Beautiful Creatures in my TBR pile and I can't wait to read it since, I've heard so much about it. I hope Beautiful Creatures picks up soon!
Glad to find the 18 and older tag along. Now following. The Naughty Reader
Hey! Thanks for returning the hop and for the recommendation. I've added the Black Dagger Brotherhood to my wishlist.
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