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I am taking a blogging break for a little while. I am in the process of getting all of my challenges for 2011 picked out so you'll see a bunch of those posts.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

BookMooch! and stuff

I have now joined BookMooch in an effort to get rid of some of my books that just aren't keepers. You don't even want to see a picture of my overflowing bookcase...It's scary. If your looking for me on there My "screen name" is thebookjunkiesbookshelf.
In an effort to get my number of books down I'll be reading a lot of my own books for a while. Thank goodness my local library has a "wishlist" option on their webpage when I log on to my account.



A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

hmmm...bookmooch sounds like a good idea.

Monica Corwin said...

I don't know if you care about my opinion but I tried bookmooch and hated it. I could never get a book I wanted there. For bookswapping I recommend Paperbackswap, or Goodreads.
